When I heard those words I dropped the bed sheet I was busy folding into a hospital corner, and stood up with a big stupid grin of enlightenment.
All in Business
When I heard those words I dropped the bed sheet I was busy folding into a hospital corner, and stood up with a big stupid grin of enlightenment.
What is this thing we call creativity; that angel of light and invisible demon that at times seduces but remains just outside our reach?
Falling into surrender can be the most bold and brave thing you’ll ever do.
It was 1983 and I was turning seven. For my birthday my parents gave me a little brown plastic Fisher-Price cassette player, and two two tapes – Elton John and Carly Simon. I didn’t really dig Carly but I played Elton over and over...
Inspired by a TED Talk by Graham Hill titled 'Less Stuff, More Happiness', I got to thinking about all the 'stuff' in our lives... Both material and digital, and how happiness can be found in less...
I don't know about you but sales and self-promotion make me go eww... But we all have to do it. Here's a different perspective that I find helpful when it comes to the dreaded S-word... And some asanas that can help shift you out of the ewwiness.
This morning I did some good ol' fashioned offline postering for a yoga class I run.
I run it in a small, boutique gym. They're open early morning and evening and closed during the day. My class is midmorning while the gym is closed to the public and quiet. This suits me as it means I can run the class while my kids are at school.
However my hoped for synergies (the balance of yoga and gym training) didn't eventuate as most of the gym clientele are at work during my class time...