Asanas for Overcoming Sales Ewwiness
Do you love sales and self promotion?
If so, I've got one word for you... Wow!
Please leave your secret in the comments section below so the rest of us can learn from you!
I for one do not love sales and self promotion. It makes me go eww.
But the tough bickies is that we all have to do it. I don't care who you are. Obviously if you run your own business you have to do it, if you're a writer you have to do it, if you're an employee you have to do it.
I was having a conversation with my man about this recently. He was suggesting some offers and promotions I should run.
I told him I'm just no good at sales.
He laughed and asked me what I thought I was doing when I used my wiles to get my own way. (Which I'm quite good at btw.) And yet when it comes to 'selling my services' and 'asking for money' I feel uncomfortable.
Do you get that too? You may have your own business and know exactly what I'm talking about, or be any employee who periodically has to update a CV and attend job interviews, or ask for promotions. Or a writer pitching to publishers. In one way or another, you'll need to 'sell'.
So let's take a look at that onerous little word... Specifically it means to persuade; or exchange something for money. Either way there's a two way flow of something. You've probably heard it spoken about in terms of an energy exchange.
If you're persuading, you're convincing someone of the merits of something, which if granted gains something of benefit to you and the other person; a win/win. And of course this is more obvious when the sell is an exchange of money. You sell your product or service, in return for which the buyer gives you money in exchange for the benefit.
The nature of things is balance. If you're into Yoga or Buddhism you'll know about karma, which essentially means the law of cause and effect. And if you're more of a scientist than a philosopher you'll know it as action and reaction.
Sticking with the science metaphors for a few more sentences... We can also observe this universal law at a cellular level through the process of osmosis - The spontaneous net movement of solvent molecules through a semi-permeable membrane into a region of higher solute concetration, in the direction that tends to equalize the solute concentration on the two sides. (Thanks Wiki). Sounds fancy. What's essentially happening here? There's a force towards balance and harmony. It's the same with karma.
So, instead of getting stuck with selling and self promotion, ask yourself whether you're making a difference, adding value, improving someone's business or life. If you are, then that exchange of energy will naturally flow back to you, in the form of money, book deal, promotion etc.
And if you're still struggling, it could be that your Manipūra Chakra needs firing up.
A chakra is an energy centre, a confluence of energy channels (nadis). Manipūra Chakra is located in the vicinity of your navel. It is located in your energy body, not your physical body so it actually radiates out about 7cm above and below your navel.
It is in this chakra that self-confidence originates. Selling and promoting is pretty tricky without it. So it may well be that activating this chakra can help you in the area.
Here are some asanas for activating manipūra:
And along with boosting your self-confidence, when manipūra is functioning well your digestion (of food and emotions) will be improved, you'll feel more clarity and vitality; and the joy that you feel in your heart is energy that bubbles up from manipūra.
And for those of you who are mentally or literally rolling your eyes at the mention of chakras... Just give it a go, and see what happens. ;)
So, let me know how you go... And please if you are a master of sales and self-promotion please share your tips with the rest of us in the comments section below!
p.s. Feel free to email me for more instruction on any of the above asanas.
>>> Leonie Orton (who sometimes likes to talk about herself in the third person) is a writer, editor and marketing communications consultant. She'll create communication mediums in the shape of words, graphics and webs for your business, connecting you with the people who need you. (And due to a touch of adult ADHD she also teaches yoga, arranges flowers, runs a monthly Harvest Swap, and her raison d'être... raises two beautiful boys. Get in touch by email, facebook or twitter. And if you're not already signed up for new writings and special offers, get hooked up here.