Little Nothing Moments

Little Nothing Moments

Little Nothing Moments

I haven't written anything in months - other than work stuff. I started working full-time at the beginning of the year and it's taken me a while to get things back in balance.

But finally it's happened, the writing bug has hit again. It knows no other commitments or obligations, it just makes space for itself. So, here I am at 11.02pm typing this to you.

I've decided to write every day for the next - hrm, maybe month? 

It'll be personal, navel-gazing stuff. Maybe a bit rambly. But it'll be honest.

Part of the reason I haven't written in so long is because I thought I had nothing to say.

But then I realised how many zillions of thoughts and little nothing moments I have a day - and so I thought, well why don't I just write about them. 

...Because maybe those little nothing moments are where it's at.

If you are thinking yes please, I'd love to receive your Little Nothing Moments via a daily letter in my inbox then heck, you're my kinda person > subscribe here.

More navel gazing soon.

Until we meet again - take note of those little nothing moments.

L x

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