and so went my day

and so went my day

last night I went to bed at a decent hour
which doesn’t happen often
but when it does
I wake up feeling like a million bucks 

went through my morning routine
which you know all about
then went for a walk
the world is shiny at that time of day

got home
watered some veggie seedlings
fed the chooks (and chicks)
one egg

picked some silverbeet
raided the mulberry tree
inspected the nectarines
still very small

brewed coffee
sat down at my computer 
did some work
drank more coffee

washed clothes
did some work
hung out clothes
did some work

made up che’s bedroom
ready for my sister’s visit
folded clothes
put away clothes

did some work
drank tea
did some more work 
drank more tea

weeded the front garden
tied up the tomatoes
watered the lettuce seedlings
gave some weeds to the chooks

made biscuits
cooked daal
packed lunch for tomorrow
made a mess

now I’m writing
really bad poetry
not sure it even qualifies 
as poetry at all

but that’s that
and so went my day
hope yours was
just as sway

a rambling ode to friendship

a rambling ode to friendship

no time travel required

no time travel required